Trouble-Free Maintenance Plans

Like a well-oiled machine... routine monitoring and servicing is needed to keep your website up and running smoothly, keeping your visitors coming back.  Nothing will turn off a prospective customer faster than outdated information or typos on your website! Hyperlinks occasionally stop working... sometimes a change in a server feature alters the way your page functions...

Our Trouble-Free Maintenance Plans will take care of all of that... Affordable maintenance packages offer routine monitoring of all aspects of your website including minor updates. For a small monthly fee you will be assured that your site will always be in proper working order including a date stamp on each page that lets you and your customers know the information they see is current. All of your links and special features such as sound files and forms will be checked regularly to insure they are in proper working order. Continual improvements can be made at a very low cost.

Trouble-Free Site Maintenance Contract

For a set price each month, ranging from $50 (up to 8 pages) to $150 (more than 15 pages), I will provide comprehensive maintenance of your website.  This fee includes regular testing of all hyperlinks and special features of your website; a date stamp to indicate the most recent update; monitoring of your visitor statistics, and annual submission to several search engines. 

The package provides virtually unlimited* minor updates including: backing up, downloading & archiving existing pages, maintenance & content updates (text & graphics), testing and then uploading of revised pages to your server. 

(*If updates require more than 5 hours per month, additional fees may be assessed (based upon the hourly design rate of $35.)

 • Please note that this package only covers existing pages in your website at time of contract. Design of any additional pages or major changes (ie re-design of lay-out or navigation system) will be done under separate contract at design rate of $35 per hour (or at reduced rates through a Design Package)


••  SPECIALS  •• 


ie.   Trouble-Free Maintenance Plan for 8 page website Paid annually:  $50*12 = $600   $540

 • 2 For 1 SPECIAL •


Full maintenance of two separate websites for the cost of the larger plan.  For example: an existing site of 8 pages (a $50/month value) would be covered at no additional charge when you establish a Trouble-Free Maintenance Plan for your 15-page site at $75 per month.

*A one year contract is required. At the end of the contract client will be offered an option to continue the two for one coverage at then-current rates by contracting for a period of 6 months or longer. (Above prepaid plan discount applies if another one-year contract is chosen).



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